
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ralph McQuarrie Concept Fett helmet Version 2

So a bout 2 years ago I took on the task of creating a  real world wearable Boba Fett helmet based on a concept drawing by Ralph McQuarrie.It came out really well.I as usual picked the more obscure version of the concept Fetts instead of doing the more recognized version. This one doesnt appear to be much different than the helmet used in the movie other than color.But upon closer inspection it does have a slightly different shape as well as tons of different details.
I was asked by quite a few people who liked my first version if i was going to do the second version.I did start on it it awhile back but until now had now done anymore work to it.Here is the version im doing.along with some work in progressvideos and pics.

I know it hard to tell but I have done extensive work to the helmet.I have re worked the mandibles and reshaped the back of the helmet. I have a lot more work to do.All the details need to be added and the dome needs to be reshaped.


  1. Loving it mate! I wanted your previous McQ Fett but now I'll need funds for both! LOL!

  2. These helmets are amazing, how much do they cost?


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