
Thursday, July 14, 2011

12" custom figure Complete!

Awhile back I got commissioned to do a 12" (16th) scale figure based off a drawing done by the customer.I cant remember and am to lazy to go back and look but I think I posted some early WIP on here. Anyway I was very happy how it came out and so was he which is a good thing.
I had to deviate away from the drawing in a few ways a tad,like the fingers I didnt have spread apart in fear of them breaking off easily if bumped and I slightly changed the position of the body so it would stand up on its own with out tipping over or having to make base.I used sculpture wire for the stem and vines so they wouldnt break.
The pics have a little flash wash out to them makes the skin tone look a lot lighter than it was and shows none of the shading I did.Anyway here is the original drawing and the finished figure.

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